We know a lot of landlords have faced challenges during the pandemic.
We want to help you get back on track while also growing our portfolio of single-family homes.
Full service property management FREE for 3 months
2 inspections per year
Monthly landscaping service FREE for 6 months. After 6 months you will receive a quote to continue the service.
Maintenance: $100.00 per hour plus materials.
*1-year property management agreement required. Space is limited.
Here at Prime Property Management Corporate, Inc., we pride ourselves in providing our clients full-service property management, serving Oakland, the East Bay Area, and Sacramento. Whether you have one rental property or a large portfolio, we have the experience and the resources to manage your investment properties. We will oversee the day-to-day management of your rentals while helping to increase your long-term net worth. All of this is handled through a combination of utilizing modern technologies and one-on-one personal interaction.